Thursday, July 15, 2010


Although there are an infinite amount of various meditation practices and purposes I will tell you that a person gets enormous benefit simply from sitting still and quiet for short period of time every day. A lot of people have trouble controlling the endless chatter in their minds. Simply sitting quietly makes one aware of just what thoughts are going through the mind. Just like fresh Juice cleans out the physical toxins in the body, meditation cleans out the mental toxins in the mind. The first step in redirecting thoughts is to know what thoughts are there. Often the most useless and uncomfortable thoughts are the ones that occur in loops. When the same patterns of ideas go through the mind again and again, an individual runs great rick of stagnation. It is your mind!! You choose the thoughts that go through it!!

Physical benefits that I touched upon in another blog are lengthening of the spine which reduces and eliminates chronic back pain and enlivens the nervous system.


Chakra Meditation

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

More on Fasting

Hello to you all!

Hopefully I can bring some ideas for wellness to you. Bear in mind that some of the things I may tell you are a little extreme. I tend to do things pretty aggressively. When I was learning yoga from Ananda Marga, I learned that the ordained, meaning, the monks and nuns, were supposed to fast on special days twice a month. The lay people, i.e. everyone without orange robes, only had to fast once a month. Over the past couple of months I have taken to fasting once a week. I give the digestion a rest for one day a week. I vary the types of fasts that I do to keep it interesting. So, sometimes I do a juice fast, sometimes I will add a little fruit, sometimes just water, and once a month no food or water. This is very good to clean out the systems. Fasting helps draw toxin from all parts of the body into the intestine for removal. Sometime I may do Lemonade fast that is very popular in Hollywood, but since I am an athlete I cannot go for that long without food at this moment.

Whatever type of fast I do I definitely do not eat anything cooked. So, no meat, potatoes, bread, etc... If I eat anything at all during a fast it is fruit or vegetable. This week I was only going to drink water on Tuesday, but then I discovered that I had a lot of physical activity on my schedule for that day, so I moved it to Friday.

I find that with the advent of modern industry we live in a very toxic environment. There is pollution all around us, especially if you live in or near a city. These toxins build up over time and lead to disease later in life. Regular fasting is a way to regulate the amount of toxins stored in the body. You may feel tired when you first give it a try. This, I believe is due to two reasons. One, the body is working hard to remove toxin and you are really feeling the poison inside as it is working its way out. Two, blood sugar and metabolism are effected and the body is making adjustments. The first time you fast you may want to pick a day where you may be able to take a nap. Once you get used to it though you can fast with no problem during a normal routine.

Good luck
Wellness to you all!!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Throat Chakra

Hello to you all. I send you great energy!!

I chose the throat chakra as the topic of today's discussion because it is one that I have been struggling with recently. I feel that most of my trouble with this Chakra is due to smoking in both this life and my previous one. I have had a great interest in inhaling smoke and I believe that it has had negative effects on my communication skills. I have been over two years without smoking and am healing my throat but still some things come up. I have been doing a lot of singing recently as a means of making my throat stronger. Although I feel that I can be an effective communicator I am inclined to do more observing than interacting.

Do you ever have psychic understanding when you are in a conversation with someone? A lot of this is due to the hidden occult powers in the throat. Each chakra has special powers associated with them. The throat in particular connects to the past and future and the flow of thoughts and ideas into physical existance. Physically the throat is the thing that connects your head to your body. You need the neck as a conduit for ideas to reach your body. Pay attention to these physiologically metaphorical connections. So the Brain sends information through the neck to the body. It takes something subtle, intangible and brings it into existence, makes it real. The sound that you make with your throat in communicating ideas with others is the physical reality of intangible ideas.

To purchase some more info on Chakras Click Here!

Monday, June 28, 2010


I recently had a very good friend and student ask me about literature concerning the chakras. So I was inspired to post this with the hopes of educating you on a little bit of what I know about chakras as well as point you in the direction of more information on the subject. There are many systems and theories on this topic. I have seen some parrallels. So what I will do is give you an overview starting with the root chakra and tell you a little about each one. For the very beginner on this topic Chakras are energy centers along the body. Here are some lists of things associated with each chakra.

1) root Chakra - This energy point is said to lay at the base of the spine
The color red, element of earth, self, solid propensity, grounding

2) 2nd chakra - location - lower back/genitals
color orange, sexuality, creativity, element of water, family dynamic

3) solar plexus - abdomen / navel
color yellow, power, digestion, element of fire, connection to social groups of people

4) heart - sternum / upper back
color of green, compassion, element of air, connection to all mankind, circulation

5) throat - neck
color of blue, communication, sound and light,

6) third eye - forehead
indigo, mind, ether, consciousness

7) crown - very top of head
purple, god, universal consciousness, infinity

This is a little concerning the chakras. Of course there is much more detail one can go into. I will elaborate further in puture blogs.

May you all achieve splendid consciousness and healthy bodies
I love you all

For more information on the Third eye Click Here!

for more information on chakras Click Here!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Juice Fast

I just recently began fasting again. It feels really good. Living near a city there are lots of toxins in the air and water and food. Fasting is a way to clean out these toxins bringing health to all systems of the body starting with the digestion. I used to do a 'dry' fast. Meaning I would go for one day without food or water. I found this helpful but many people find the idea of going for a day without water frightening, so i recommend a juice fast. This way you get great nutrients from fresh fruit and juices while giving your digestion a break from solid food. I have been going from one to three days on only juice and it makes me feel great. If you don't already have a juicer you should definitely get one. They are invaluable to a healthy life. When you get one juice plenty of greens. An affordable green to use is Kale and it is very good for you. You can sweeten it with apple.

To your health!!

If you would like more information on cleaning out toxins and other fasting method Click Here!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Skate Yogi

Dave, my buddy, and the owner of the skateboard company I ride for, DEFSTICK, sent me this pic recently.  Notice he's sitting on a skateboard.  To view me riding in an empty pool click here

Crow to Handstand

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